
Showing posts from February, 2023

Exposed: Ngilu Engaged Over 900 Ghosts To Loot

Dr. Florence Muinde smoking out Ngilu's ghosts  Guest Reporter . The injustices committed against the people of Kitui county by the fallen Mbee nzei regime continues to be unmasked, leaving everybody shocked by Kaluki Ngilu's audacity to steal and squander public resources. This afternoon, the County HR Audit & Rationalization Commitee has revealed shocking details how the former regime engaged a total of 935 ghost workers with the sole aim of looting public finances for five straight years. The Commitee led by Dr. Florence Muinde also found that of the 935 ghost workers, 326 had been placed in the county payroll under permanent and pensionable terms .  Ngilu had also placed 56 ghosts as ECDE teachers, 23 on contractual terms and another 530 as casuals.  Now this is the implication of this criminal move. Suppose each of the 935 ghosts was pocketing a monthly salary of minimum 15,000 per month for only 4 years, the total would be Ksh673 million, all looted by Kaluki an...

Shame! She Wants to Join Kenya Kwanza - Wambua Blasts Ngilu

Outgone Kaluki Ngilu     Guest Reporter   Kitui senator Enoch Wambua has smoked out former governor, the disgraced Kaluki Ngilu on why she has been snubbing Azimio events. Of concern was how the former Azimio diehard and flower girl snubbed today’s funeral service for professor Makau Mutua’s brother that was held at Mutune village and which was attended by the Azimio leader Raila Odinga, Martha Karua and Eugene Wamalwa. Ngilu who had been promised a cabinet slot by Raila was ever present in all Azimio rallies across the country during which her online slaves bombarded online users with endless photographs and videos of her. However things took a down spiral after Raila lost the election to Ruto (according to the IEBC) prompting Ngilu to discard Odinga like a soiled and smelly piece of napkins. But why? Today, Senator Enoch Wambua took the trouble to smoke out Ngilu on her pretence and for abandoning the Raila ship when it needs her the most. “It is a big shame baba that t...

Yes, I'm a Ngilu Slave & Sycophant - Kyalo Admits

Avowed Kaluki sycophant Kyalo Muli By Guest Reporter The chips are finally falling into their place. This morning, one Augustus Kyalo Muli, the purported Dubai based millionaire was cleverly smuggled out of his pretentious hideout and admitted to being a blind slave and a sycophant of the condemned former governor; Kaluki Ngilu. When he is not conning people online with promises of connecting them to non existent jobs, Kyalo the wood pecker has been keeping himself busy shouting himself hoarse at an opposition WhatsApp group where he pretends to correct the leadership of the people's Governor; Dr. Julius Malombe. Many have dismissed him as a bitter idler.  Today however, the fraudster with a wicked beer belly like one infested with roundworms was forced to eat humble pie and confessed  that all his oppositionist rants are coached to him by Kaluki Ngilu whom he adores as his slave master. "Yes I supported and still do support Kaluki Ngilu. What is wrong with that,"  the wo...