
Mwingi Gets Full Municipality Status under Governor Malombe

H.E Governor Julius Malombe who is making Kitui County great again The busy and bustling Mwingi town has gained the full status for municipality under the stewardship of Governor Julius Malombe. Through a gazette notice published in the Kenya Gazette on 5th June 2024, Governor Malombe appointed 9 individuals drawn from different categories to be members of Mwingi Municipal Board that will spearhead the growth, development and welfare of Mwingi town and its residents.  As a fully fledged Municipality, Mwingi will enjoy a number of benefits among them; 1. Access to international funding such as Kenya Urban Support Programme (KUSP) 2. Access to Kenya Urban Roads Authority (KURA) roads. 3. Access to alternative funding, especially for projects requiring huge capital outlays. This means the municipality will be able to fend for itself. Indeed, Governor Malombe is making Kitui County great and the residents are happy. Attached below is the Gazette notice with the names of the Mwingi Municipa

Kitui Residents are Happy with Governor Malombe

  Nimrod Mbai - Kitui East MP  Our Reporter   Kitui East MP Nimrod Mbai has reminded the county residents of the good work being done by Governor Julius Malombe, and appealed to them to ignore idlers who exhibit extortionist tendencies while purporting to criticize his administration.  Addressing a mammoth crowd in his constituency, MP Mbai explained that the people of Kitui are lucky to have a mindful and considerate Governor who has their interests at heart.  The legislator appealed to the county residents to continue supporting the Governor in order for him to continue implementing life changing projects and programmes as captured in Governor Malombe's The Kitui Promise Agenda. "Governor Malombe did very remarkable work during his first term, that is why the county residents gave him another term and so far we are very happy with what his administration is doing,"  the second term MP said. Since he came back to office in August 2022, Governor Malombe has rolled out a c

Kitui Residents won't forget Kaluki Ngilu's Evils

Reject Kaluki Our Reporter  Kaluki Ngilu is evil, and bewitchingly cunning.  After being hounded out of town by the strong wave of Governor Malombe in 2022 and going into oblivion, the queen of lies and pretence is crawling back like a discharged tapeworm. Her launch pad seems to be in funerals, and other somber events where Kaluki wants to pretend to offer a leaning shoulder while shedding crocodile tears.  That statement is by no means a way of being heartless to families that may have lost their loved ones. This desk commiserates with such bereaved families and prays that they find strength to bear the loss. Salivating over county coffers... However, what is nauseating and revolting is how Kaluki thinks she can use such somber occasions to relaunch her comeback to the county leadership. Kaluki has not changed one bit. We have seen how she rolls her serpent eyes and cries more than the bereaved, while spraying her disinterested audience with lies and hate in equal measure.  But truth

It is Dr Malombe's Land - Evidence Shows

Payment of land rates   No Criminal Encroacher should attempt to Grab Dr Malombe's legally acquired land Our Reporter   Governor Julius Malombe, as a private citizen, has the legal rights to own land anywhere in the Country. The fact that he owns a parcel of land within Kitui Municipality should not be a strange thing to anyone. However, what is concerning is when another individual attempts to criminally encroach on and grab Dr Malombe's piece of land, in the hope that he will keep quiet just because he is the governor. This is the most warped thinking ever, and it is anchored on blackmail.  The plot in question is legally owned by Dr Julius Makau Malombe. It was legally allotted to him over 30 years ago. And as a law abiding citizen, Malombe has been faithfully and legally paying land rates for the said piece of land since that time to date! The fact that he has not developed that piece of land is not a licence for greedy individuals to try to grab it.  Siasa playing politics

Finally; New Law to regulate Sand Harvesting comes into place

  Governor Malombe assents to Sand Bill Finally; New Law to regulate Sand Harvesting in Kitui comes into place Governor Malombe has today assented to the Sand Bill, paving the way for a County specific law that will govern and regulate the sand harvesting activities in the County. The Sand Law was  collaborative effort between the County Executive and the County Assembly and comes at a time when there is clamour to protect our rivers and the environment in the wake of climate change. Speaking shortly after appending his signature to the Bill, Governor Malombe said the County Executive will strictly enforce the Law to ensure that rivers in the county are not degraded while protecting the local environment. The law also creates an opportunity for County youths to earn a decent living from the sand value chain while at the same time creating a revenue base for the County.  " We now have a county specific law to regulate the sane value chain. It is the best law to protect our rivers a

Setting Record Straight: Why Senator Kiio is Wrong on Crusher

Ballast crusher at Kwa-Kilui   Our Writer Two days ago, senator Kiio Wambua visited kwa-Kilui area in Yatta/ kwa-Vonza ward where a stone Crusher worthy millions of shillings has been lying idle since Kaluki Ngilu’s days. During his visit, the senator made some public pronouncements, some which were completely strange, like the claim that the County Government plans to sell the crusher. Skymoon Desk happens to be privy to intricate details relating to the fraudulent procurement of the crusher, its establishment where a private contractor was given the work but was allowed to use County Government resources such as machinery and personnel (Engineers) to set up the crushing plant and still billed the County Government for that.  This desk is also aware of details on how the public lost tens of millions of shillings after the initial price of the Crusher was fraudulently inflated. This desk has also reviewed a committee’s report that investigated the Crusher and made recommendations abou

County Assembly opts to Become Partner in KITUI's Development

POINT BLANK   Our Reporter   Slightly over one year after Governor Malombe was recalled to office by the county electorate, tangible developments and growth can be witnessed in all corners of the vast County.  Governor Malombe is trying hard, in the most difficult economic times which are characterized by delayed disbursement of county allocations from the national government, to repair the County that had been torn apart and grounded by the previous mbee nzei regime.  For his efforts to transform people's lives through initiating tangible developments, the County residents in their hundreds of thousands have decided to rally behind Kyuma Kya wia, as they fondly refer to their Governor.  The County administration has rolled out a development plan that touches all the 40 Wards of the vast County without discrimination. Some of these life changing projects touch on water security, food security, health provision, roads upgrading, ECDE classrooms and staffing of ECDE centres, investme