Concern As Outgoing Ngilu Goes Missing For 2 Weeks

Outgoing kitui governor Kaluki

OUTGOING Kitui governor Kaluki Ngilu has uncharacteristically been missing from the public eye for 2 weeks in a row. This is quite unlike Ngilu who likes to hog public attention with theatrics and voodooism designed as development. 

For 14 days now, Ngilu hasn't chaired her void early morning cabinet meetings, a preserve that has now been left to DG Wathe Nzau. 

"Even in these meetings, we are not informed where the governor is or what she is up to. No apologies no greetings" reported one cabinet member.

Ngilu's absence from the public has left many questions than answers, curiously because even her close henchmen and slaves have no idea where she is or have been prevailed upon to keep mum. Why?

Our reliable desk sniffed around and established that the governor's driver and other close minders are very much around but the governor is no show. Her absence from the county is being spoken about in hushed tones and in dark alleys. 

We sniffed around Ithookwe and found out she hasn't been found there for over 2 weeks. 

"The Ithookwe home is cold without her presence. Her workers appear lost and dejected. They have no answer as to her whereabouts, just lazing about" our trusted mole said.

It is the same case in Nairobi. The governor can not be found anywhere.

Where is Kaluki Ngilu? Is she locked up somewhere and for what reason? Or has she decided to take an early break awaiting her sure ouster in 2022??

Stay tuned as our top moles work overtime to smoke her out. All in the interest of the public. The governor is a public servant and the public is entitled to know about her whereabouts, you know!!


  1. Your report on her is okay.
    However,your usage of some words like slaves and her waiting to kicked out is not befitting to her status.
    Charity Ngilu has done alot not only to Kitui residents but Kenya as a whole.
    She may have gone on leave and maybe informed the head of state.
    Give mama a break and report on positive areas too.

    1. Skymoon is right. All her 'development ' initiatives have been stillborns. Yes, she is on her way out, yes they are slaves


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