A NUMBER of former Mbee Nzei officers whose thriving careers were dragged through the mud and killed by the outgoing Kaluki Ngilu have vowed not to go down without a fight. The disgruntled high ranking officers have individually sued Ngilu and are demanding tens of millions of shillings. Today, your bold, truthful and timely desk will tell you about Ngilu's former high ranking employees who have taken the fight right inside Ngilu's kraal. The petitions that have been seen by our desk expose Ngilu as evil, callous, inhuman, full of impunity and s legal quack.
Makau was the CECM in charge of Environment and Natural resources. One day, he travelled in his official car to Kitui south for an official assignment but on coming back, he was slapped with a show-cause-letter by Ngilu's mortician Joshua Chepchieng.
The cartels accused the Bible quoting Makau of using his office for rent seeking among other queer accusations. He was given 7 days to explain himself.
Before the end of the 7 days, mortician Chepchieng cooked another letter that rendered Makau jobless.
" are hereby sacked for incompetence bla bla..." The letter sacking the minister said.
Being a lawyer, Makau did not waste a second. He fled to court and sued Ngilu and Chepchieng for wrongful dismissal. In his petition he demanded millions of shillings in compensation.
One of his petitions has succeeded in court and Makau was awarded Ksh1million about a month ago. His other petitions are still active in court.
He was the Chief Officer - Environment & Natural Resources. One morning, Ngilu woke up and sent him on compulsory leave amidst trumped up allegations.
While he was away on leave, Ngilu and cartels quickly replaced Clement with a malleable woman called Kasyoka.
When his leave ended, Clement who had earlier been boxed by Ngilu's bangi smoking goon found himself a pariah. He was no longer welcome in his former office and Kasyoka flatly refused to budge.
Clandestinely, Ngilu and her mortician Chepchieng slapped him with a transfer letter from his meaty and fatty department to the dry and skeleton office of the governor.
Clement immediately declined the ill conceived transfer and moved to court where he sued Ngilu, her mortician Chepchieng and the Kasyoka woman.
Ad you read this, Clement has won part of the battle against the 3 cartels....they will soon be jailed for 6 months. In addition the former CO is seeking millions in compensation.
Ileli's fall out with evil Ngilu was quite unexpected. Having campaigned for the Queen kwa hali na mali, could only hope for the best.
However, the boy just fell from Ngilu's handbag to the hard floor.
Ngilu unleashed her foreign scavenging cartels against her Chief of Staff who reduced him to nothing.
Not one to go down without a fight, Ileli launched a massive war against Blackie Wamukoya, Nene and aged spinster Dorcas Wandia.
It was like playing with a lion's sore balls! Ngilu was angered and vowed to crush Chris.
Her usual mortician was unleashed who quickly slapped Ileli with a suspension letter and later a dismissal.
Like the two above, the former Chief of Staff has fled to court and sued Ngilu and Chepchieng to their last penny. He is demanding millions in compensation.
Who will blink first?
*Coming up*
*Analysing each of the officer's earthshaking petitions and what millions Kitui public stands to lose due to Ngilu's criminality and carelessness*
Stay tuned.
It needs a proper investigations.