Careful, Cartels Might Demand To Kiss Your Pantie - MCA Warns Beauty Queen

Frustrated Nzisa

A member of Kitui county assembly has warned Miss Superstar and Kicotec Ambassador Nzisa Matulu to be careful with a sex thirsty cartels at mbee nzei who might demand more than she can offer.

Responding to the beauty Queen's claims that she is being fed empty promises and no pay, Yatta/kwa Vonza ward MCA John Mutuku Mbaki warned the girl that the cartels in the government would rather offer her sex than pay up her dues.

"The cartels would rather offer sex than pay her dues. This is our home county and we all know what happens there..." Mbaki, once an insider at mbee nzei posted in a WhatsApp group.

Nzisa had earlier posted in the same WhatsApp group how Ngilu and her government are giving her lies and fake promises that are never honoured. 

"I was supposed to be paid but whatever promises they made, they have not been fulfilled" Nzisa posted as she poured out her frustrations. 

Many seemed to commiserate with her troubles, with majority warning her that mbee nzei is only using her to advance their cause then dump her like a sewage rat. Others feel that her sojourn in Kitui might end up being a monumental financial scandal, with the naïve girl being used as a proxy to loot. 

It was reported that Nzisa was recently seen crying outside the office of the governor as cartels ganged up to frustrate her. She said she has opted to volunteer her services of showcasing kicotec paraphernalia after realizing Ngilu and her collapsed administration would not honour any of their promises.

Perhaps Mbaki was drawing from recent Miss Tourism gala that ended up turning into a sex jamboree for sex starved mbee nzei lunatics who gathered the gullible contestants in local guesthouses, promising each of them the ultimate crown in exchange for sex.

More on Nzisa debacle to follow...

Nzisa Matulu, Kicotec Ambassador 


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