Drama has unfolded in Mwingi town after the local bodaboda men, waving placards categorically rejected the candidature of 91 year old David Musila.
The irate youths dismissed Musila as a selfish and vindictive old man who harbours long standing hatred for the living, the dead and the unborn.
"Hatutaki Mugabe, Mugabe akwende kabisa" they shouted while making rounds in the town. Amused town residents watched in awe as some were seen clapping.
"From 1960 when he started working before independence, what does the old man want? This time round we shall make sure he retires permanently..." said Alex Makau, one of the Mwingi traders.
Musila is said to be a man of deep hate and revenge. At one time, he vowed that Mwingi Central constituency will never be realized as along as he was alive. He told people to cut his little finger if that came to fruition.
When Kalonzo's father died, Musila vowed not to contribute anything nor attend the burial at Tseikuru. When he realized other leaders were calling him to convince him to attend, he switched off his phone for 5 days.
"He totally refused to contribute anything. He didn't event sent a message of condolences to Kalonzo. He didn't attend the funeral. He is an awful vengeful old man who deserves no position in leadership" said a retired Councillor with defunct Mwingi county council.
Musila's only development record can be traced to a lone mortuary he built at Migwani, where he also transfered the Lands Board from Mwingi town.
His slaves who have been sharing imaginary positions in bars have been heard explaining how the governor's office will immediately be relocated to Migwani should he become the governor.
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