Why Raisi Uhuru Ashamed Ngilu By Not Visiting Shenzi Projects
Neglected and rejected failure |
Sense has finally prevailed over nonsense as president Uhuru Kenyatta Friday abandoned his plans to visit Kitui county where outgoing Kaluki Ngilu had lined up shenzi projects for the head of state to sanitize.
Desperate Kaluki who is facing massive rejection across the county had hoped to use the President's tour to sanitize her shenzi projects among them privately owned Kicotec godown, Kwa Kilui crusher that was procured by her son and Manyenyoni cabro factory whose products are sold at night in Thika and Kiambu.
But upon getting intelligence reports that all Ngilu's projects are scandals of mega proportions where public money has been swindled, the Commander in Chief opted to give Ngilu and her Scandals a wide berth.
"It was agreed that the president should not be seen to be sanitizing corruption riddled projects in Kitui County that have caused so much anger among the residents. He opted to play safe and limit his tour to Konza and Thwake" our mole in the intelligence revealed.
The source revealed that despite Kicotec having landed lucrative tenders from the national government, there seemed to be zero accountability for the revenue generated by the garment factory. Its true ownership also came to play, he added.
While president Kenyatta is keen on working on his legacy as his term comes to an end in 2022, many corrupt and scandalous politicians, chief among them Ngilu are scheming to use his presence and influence to escape from public scrutiny.
The residents had appealed to the head of state to visit and inaugurate new projects such as tarmacking of new roads, initiate new water projects, and even decentralize some of the national government institutions as a way of opening up Kitui and Ukambani for development and economic growth.
Failed Ngilu on the other hand wanted to use the tour as a self appeasing forum to sanitize her filthy through the President's image.
A County Assembly committee that recently toured Kicotec failed to establish the ownership of the company and did not establish how much the factory has generated, 2 years down the line.
Their report which was recently tabled in the Assembly is half baked and many have dismissed it as nonsensical and waste of public resources.
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