Kitui Women Rep Gives Journalists' Sacco Ksh100,000 Grant

A Kitui Media Sacco is over the moon after Women Rep Dr. Irene Kasalu, though her National Government Affirmative  Action Fund (NGAAF) issued a cheque worthy Ksh100,000 to boost the sacco operations. 

Members of the Media Sacco dubbed Kitui Scribes Sacco received the cheque on Sunday evening at Kasalu's home at Kalisasi in Mwingi Central.

Dr. Kasalu urged the media practitioners to utilize the funds well and grow themselves. She said it is only through coming together and forming groups that people can benefit from government grants.

"Invest the money well and make sure you grow as a Sacco. Our office will support you more in future" Kasalu told the journalists drawn from different media houses. 

empowerment for journalists

This was in stark contrast to a dubious event held at governor Kaluki Ngilu's Ithookwe home two weeks ago where the outgoing governor fed local needy bloggers and members of the gutter press militia with cheap alcohol and boiled eggs. She later dismissed them with 2 thousand shillings each. 

An official of the media Sacco said they have plans to invest in a business that would bring returns to the Sacco for the benefit of all.

"The idea is to grow the Media Sacco to the levels of Kitui Teachers Sacco which is winning accolades across the country. In future we shall open doors to members who do not belong to the media fraternity" said the official. 

Kitui media team with Dr Irene Kasalu

He revealed that the Sacco already has a fat bank balance and has started giving loans to its members at highly subsidized interest rates. 

"We are launching the Sacco before the end of this year and some bigwigs have agreed to grace the event" another official said. 

The grant to the Media Sacco is part of what Irene Kasalu's office has been doing across the vast Kitui county where women groups and bodaboda organizations have benefited from grants worthy hundreds of thousands.

Mama miradi



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