Why Ngilu Must Anchor Her Hopes On Raila


Dear mama

From the very onset, let us congratulate you for your overzealous efforts in supporting ODM leader Raila Odinga in his quest to succeed president Uhuru Kenyatta. Without any fear of contradiction, let us affirm that you are doing very well on that score, and that's where you belong.

We say you belong to Raila's national camp for a valid reason. Our conviction is that you too is alive to that reason - because, give it to you - you are not a political fool.

Your position at the county as governor has evidently become untenable. And you know this very well. There is no point in you trying to defend the seat, because Kituians are restive and can't wait to get rid of you. We want to believe you know this too. Because as we said, you might be many things but not a political simp. 

If you walk anywhere across the vast Kitui county, the people are determined. Their voice is solid and focused. You can say their eyes have hatched. And trust you me, they are not going back. All what the people of Kitui want is Dr Julius Malombe. And that's for a reason.

Hon. Ngilu, Kituians have not rejected you because they hate you. Nay. They have rejected you because they don't like your leadership style. In the eyes of the majority voters, you have brought the county to its knees. You have pulverized the people. You have failed as a manager in Kitui. That's is why on August 9 this year, the electorate will replace you with Dr Malombe. Make no mistake.  

They want the pioneer Governor because he is a man of his word. He is a leader of integrity. A good planner and executioner of development plans. Dr Malombe is fair to all people and to all regions. His footprints are all over. Even those who criticize him, secretly acknowledge that the man is a development Juggernaut. These, and many other reasons, will make the people of Kitui, including your one time supporters, vote for him to the last man!

Hon. Ngilu, all is not lost though.  The good news is that the people of Kitui will still support you, even after rejecting you at home.  And this is how. 

They will support you to become anything in Raila's government. They will be proud of you as a senior government official up there.  Because your imprints at that stage are still visible. But here at home, No. Sorry. 

Hon. Ngilu, we are aware you are aware of this unfolding scenario. What's the point of seeking a re-election and watch as voters - bloc to bloc -  humiliate and embarrass you from village to village? A woman who gave president Moi goose bumps despite your other failings? You should never allow this. 

The political wisdom in this scenario is the step you have taken. Plunging headlong into Raila's campaign. Not that we support him, but we are realists .... and we know he stands a good chance of becoming the 5th. 

You have worked with Raila before. There is no harm in working with him again. If you convince Wiper kingpin Kalonzo to also join in - as you have been doing - the better. 

Trust you me, we need many Kambas in national government, their failings in other quarters notwithstanding. You are one such person we want up there. Because down here, the people know better. 

So what to do Hon. Ngilu? Don't fret. Don't listen to political neophytes who might urge you to hang on despite the obvious odds. Follow your instincts. Don't let cartels envelope you with blindness. 

As for your supporters, and those of other competitors, let them not worry. Dr Malombe is an accommodative man. A fatherly figure. Under his wide wings all will be accommodated. Folks, Come out and declare support for the winning candidate without fear or loose bowels! 

Ladies and gentlemen, let us all join hands and make Kitui great again with Dr Malombe. He means well, for all! 

As for the exiting governor, we wish you well mama Ngilu at the national forays. At that stage, you truly have our back.


Skymoonetwork & allied coalition. 


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