Skymoon Endorses Dr Malombe

Dr. Malombe alias Kyuma

It has been a journey. We have searched every nook and cranny on one who can offer sound, transparent, accountable and fair Leadership. 

We have come to the conclusion that it is none other than Dr. Julius Makau Malombe.

And this is our conscious decision, we are backing Kyuma for Tuesday, 9th August election. Yes we do. It is Dr. Malombe. 

We truly believe he is the man to make Kitui county regain its lost glory and recover from Ngilu's wanton destruction of the county. Truly we do. 

And for those reasons and many others, Skymoon endorses Dr. Malombe as the next governor. 

God fearing: Dr Malombe shares a word with Bishop Mwongela on servant Leadership


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