Your Legal Bar Talk Can't Fly - Wakili Kimuli Warns Nganga


Morris Kimuli 

Wakili Morris Kimuli, who is also Kaluki Ngilu's legal counsel has for the first time in a long time sobered up and told off Ngilu's orphans in the County Assembly over their threat to legal action. 

The Ngilu orphans led by drunkard Alex Nganga have been leading lonely and impotent threats to lodge a court case over Governor Malombe's CEC nominees. 

However today, Mr Kimuli while commenting in an opposition WhatsApp group rubbished Nganga's drunken threats, dismissing them as idle bar talk. 

Kimuli advised that the intended legal suit can only suffer a crushing miscarriage at the court of law, and told Nganga and his cohort of drunken Ngilu orphans to climb down from their imaginary Ivory tower. 

Below is what Kimuli posted, a statement that has reduced Nganga and other Ngilu orphans to legal buffoons. 

"What Constitution? To the best of my knowledge, he has forwarded names to the Assembly, albeit beyond the 21 days. That, to me, constitutes what we call substantive compliance with the provisions of statute, to wit, section 42 of the County Government's Act. That section requires the County Executive Committee to be Constituted within 21 days. Compliance with that section requires interventions from both the Governor (nominating) and the County Assembly (oversight). The role of the CA does not, therefore, start once names are forwarded. It should begin immediately. Calling for the names and reminding the Governor of timelines set in law. That is what a collegial constitutional responsibility entails and we need to set the ground for meaningful interactive engagement between these two arms of our County Government. 

For those in the know, the requirements of section 42 are not peremptory/mandatory. They are directional and what is important is whether or not there has been substantial compliance. Public interest lies in vetting the names and getting us a County Executive Committee." 

Kitui county residents who are solidly behind Governor Julius Malombe to pull the county from the morass of decay initiated by Ngilu have called on her blind orphans and drunken extortionists to re-direct their energies to the right cause of rebuilding the county. 


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