County Assembly opts to Become Partner in KITUI's Development

POINT BLANK Our Reporter Slightly over one year after Governor Malombe was recalled to office by the county electorate, tangible developments and growth can be witnessed in all corners of the vast County. Governor Malombe is trying hard, in the most difficult economic times which are characterized by delayed disbursement of county allocations from the national government, to repair the County that had been torn apart and grounded by the previous mbee nzei regime. For his efforts to transform people's lives through initiating tangible developments, the County residents in their hundreds of thousands have decided to rally behind Kyuma Kya wia, as they fondly refer to their Governor. The County administration has rolled out a development plan that touches all the 40 Wards of the vast County without discrimination. Some of these life changing projects touch on water security, food security, health provision, roads upgrading, ECDE classrooms and staffing of EC...