MOTION REVEALED: Why CEC Kakundi Is Being Impeached


Kitui County Assembly has received a Notice of Motion on the removal from office of the CECM for Lands, Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Development (LIHUD) Jacob Maundu Kakundi alias kitavi, a certified looter per exellence. 

The notice to remove the crook from public office was served by Hon. Alex Mwangangi (Kyoome/Thaana Ward). It effectively stands to be deliberated after the statutory period of three working days.


In giving the notice, the mover of the motion cited a number of grounds to chuck out rent seeker Kakundi from public employment., through our highly placed moles has been afforded an opportunity to see the motion and today we reveal the reasons for Kakundi's ouster. 


1. Gross violation of the Constitution and relevant laws, by;

a. Overseeing unprocedural awarding of bush clearing tenders to contractors and using local women and youth to work in the contractors' absentia. Majority have never been paid to date.


b. Failure to implement motion on Regulation and Management of Street Trade (hawking) and Bodaboda operators in Kitui Town.


c. Unfair delivery of services by discriminatively issuing dozer services to a few selected wards for the last three financial years. As well as demanding kickbacks from lined contractors.


d. Failure to provide the Assembly with full and regular reports on matters relating to the Ministry e.g. dozer working schedule.


2. Incompetence:

Failure to effectively control the Ministry's programs e.g. bush clearing and road grading was done shoddily and beyond stipulated timelines.


3. Abuse of office:

Using County Admnistrators to perform roles of contractors in contracted works of bush clearing without facilitation. Double contracting to facilitate looting.


4. Gross misconduct:

Blatantly misleading the Assembly Sectoral Committee on LIHUD on involvement of village administrators in the recruitment of personnel for the contracted bush clearing project for FY 2018/19 by providing contradictory information in his correspondences sated 21st December, 2018 and 2nd July 2019.

Our top undercover agents have established that Kakundi is plotting to bribe the adhoc committee that will be formed to investigate allegations against him before they make their report to be debated by the full House. 

"He is telling his cronies that he will ask contractors whom he gives jobs to facilitate him with 20 million. He will also tell them that they also stand to lose should he be impeached. of course this money will not reach the intended recipients save for a few shillings..." revealed our source at the collapsing Mbee Nzei administration. 

Will Corrupt Kakundi survive? stay close as we unveil more....including the list of cartel contractors who will contribute for his bribe harambee!



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