County MP Irene Kasalu Unveils Agribusiness Model to Empower Kituians

 Kitui County Woman Rep Dr Irene Kasalu is credited with visionary leadership. And this time round, she has done it again.

The county MP has unveiled an agribusiness model meant to empower Kitui residents through income generating activities as well as to bolster food security in the county.

Through National Government Affirmative Action Fund (NGAAF) Dr Kasalu is inviting innovative Kitui residents to submit proposals on Agriculture and Livestock that will be considered for funding in the Kilimobiz initiative.

“The whole idea is to empower the locals to be self reliant by establishing their own income generating activities. The initiative is tailored in such a way that it will greatly work towards fighting poverty and dependency in the county,” the MP told our reliable desk Skymoonetworks in an exclusive interview.

Those targeted for the initiative are Youth groups, Women groups, groups for Persons Living with Disability (PLWD), welfare groups and other legally established Community Based Organisations (CBOs).

The proposals can be submitted at her County office situated at Nzambani Building, Opposite Kitui Level IV Hospital.



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