Discovery Of Wonder Soil With Cement Qualities Leaves Farmer Excited


Have you thought of putting up a permanent house but are weight down by the cost of construction? Then worry no more. Mwalanite Limesoil will step in the gap and bring your consumption of cement to bare minimal.

This unique raw material has been discovered in Mwala area of Mutomo in Kitui County and has all the qualities and characteristics of ordinary cement.

Mike Kivoto, a local farmer and businessman from Mwala area stumbled on 'Mwalanite Limesoil' within his farm and has so far used it with remarkable results. The raw material offers  multiple uses in construction.

First, Mwalanite Limesoil which is pale white in colour has been tested as a mortar for walling by joining ordinary baked bricks, quarry stones and machine cut bricks. 

"The results are impressive. Very impressive" Kivoto says. 

Other construction materials made from the raw material are construction bricks, cabro, interlocking blocks and fencing posts.

The raw material is also turning good results for plastering and fixing tiles, Kivoto who has experimented with the material says.


He is impressed by the results and says this will ease the burden of construction for many average Kenyans who yearn for permanent houses but who are discouraged by the cost of construction materials such as cement. A bag of cement is currently trading at between Ksh620/ - Ksh650/.

However with Mwalanite Limesoil, you only need a small portion of cement; The ratio is 1 bag of cement to 7 wheelbarrows of the raw material. You don’t need sand.

Ordinarily a bag of cement would be mixed with 4 wheelbarrows of sand. So with the raw material, the consumption of cement significantly goes down thus saving you money and giving you better results in construction.

To prove his point, Kivoto showed us bricks made of the soil, tiles fixed with the soil, fencing posts, and an upcoming small house done with the soil and plastered with the same. 

“The plaster resembles nil and it's tough hard. This type of raw material is found elsewhere and people need to be educated on its valuable use. It is something that should be embraced by all" Kivoto says. He says even with a water tank, the material is not porous. 

He has also used the material for foundation for his upcoming storey house. "It is working. It has worked for me and saved me a lot of money" he says. 

His neighbours who have witnessed the wonder soil have started flocking to his home to buy the raw material. 

Kivoto says that Mwalanite Limesoil is also good for road construction especially in areas where roads become impassable during the rains. What is needed is only a ratio of one bag of cement to 10 wheelbarrows of the soil for a permanent solution.

Kivoto is open to share more with those willing to learn from him and his new discovery. 


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