CO Muthoka Threatens To 'Sack' Striking HealthCare Workers

Health Chief officer in the collapsed Mbee Nzei administration 'Dr' Richard Muthoka is a man of pomposity. Little power has gotten into Muthoka's pharmacy head and now he thinks he can bully and shove around healthcare workers.

On Thursday October 15th Muthoka penned an intimidating email to his immediate junior in the department, Dr Allan Owino directing him to immediately start getting a roll call of all health care workers who report to work across all the facilities in the county. 

Muthoka who schooled at a Punjab university in India after failing in his high school education claimed in his email that healthcare workers had been paid for two months and had no business keeping off their work stations. He threatened to take serious disciplinary action against any officer who fails to report to work. 

As is our truthful norm, we got hold of the email through our trusted resident moles in the collapsed administration, which we hereby publish below. Among others copied by Muthoka is the outgoing governor.

However according to some of the medics who talked to our reliable and bold desk, the matter of the doctors, clinical officers and nurses plus other medical personnel going on strike was not pegged on salaries alone. 

The healthcare workers demanded impoved working conditions at the health facilities, they also demanded for protective gear in line with Covid 19 protocols, and they also demanded for promotions among other demands. 

"Yes we have received the communication done by Muthoka through Dr Owino but i can tell you the chap (Muthoka) is just a hopeless charlatan. Doctors and nurses cannot be stampeded back to work on account of salaries alone. There is so much that goes into health care provision. Sadly he has no clue" one of the doctors told our desk and vowed to mobilize his colleagues to stay away until working conditions were improved.

 Another medic based in the larger Mwingi said the health facilities lacked drugs and consumables and wondered how their presence in hospitals will plug that gap.

"Ask the CO why the hospitals have no drugs? Ask him why in some facilities patients have to share beds. Ask him why some facilities have no running water. Ask him why power outages are a common place even at Kitui referral hospital. Awache hii upuzi kabisa" ranted the incensed medic. 

Will Muthoka, who is Ngilu's second generation slave address these concerns? Only time will tell.

Below is the email from 'Dr' Muthoka
From: Richard Muthoka <
Sent: 15 October, 2020 5:05 PM
To: Allan Owino <>; Dorothy Mumangi <>
Cc: Tabitha Katiwa <>; Hon. Charity Kaluki Ngilu <>
Subject: Reporting to work by all Health Care Workers

Dear Dr. Owino, 

The ongoing industrial action by the HCWs has paralized operations in the hospitals across the County causing untold suffering to patients who can not afford healthcare costs in the private health facilities. 

Despite the challenges witnessed, the county government of Kitui has managed to pay salaries for the months of July and August 2020. The salaries for the months of September will be processed before 20th October, 2020. 

The purpose of this letter is to inform you to work closely with all health facilities and get attendance for all HCW. Find out those who have not reported back to work starting today 15th October, 2020. 

Any staff who has not resumed work without any justifiable cause  stands to be subjected to disciplinary action in accordance to code of regulations. 

Thank you and regards. 

Dr. Richard Mukula Muthoka

Chief Officer; Ministry of Health & Sanitation, Kitui County

P.O Box 1056-90200


Mobile: +25471112682

Do you have a compelling and factual report you want published, then hit us. We never fail. And never worry about your back, it will ever be covered! 


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