How Ngilu, Cartels Have Reduced Ageing Chepchieng To A Mere Door Mat
Kitui county secretary Joshua Chepchieng is an old man on a free fall at the collapsed mbee nzei administration.
Actually, the old man, we are reliably informed, is looking for an exit plan. “He says it is better off looking after his livestock in Baringo. He is depressed and highly disappointed. His expectations crushed like a mursik calabash” said a close acquaintance of the suffering CS.
So what is eating the old man? You see when he asked to be seconded to the county government from the provincial administration as we formerly knew it, Chepchieng had high regard and expectations for the failed governor Kaluki. Having once worked as a DC in Kitui central when Ngilu was an MP and a minister, the two struck a cordial relationship that would see the former DC washed with wads of money most weekends.
By leaving his former job, Chepcheing thought, mistakenly so, that the fanfare with Ngilu will continue in this world and beyond. How wrong he was!
Our highly placed moles at the collapsed regime tell us, evidently that Chepchieng has been reduced to mere messenger boy and a door mat by Ngilu and her cartels. What’s worse, the cartels have conspired to ensure the former DC does not get his allowances. He survives on a shoe string budget, we established.
Our desk established that CO Zakayo Kimanzi, sitting at the governor's office is part of the cartel that has vowed to frustrate the old man. They will hardly process his per diems. Besides, the outgoing governor has ordered Chepcheing not to leave office before herself leaves, no matter the time of the night.
“You find the old man battling sleep in his office at the dead of the night as Ngilu and her cartels cut self-enrichment deals over vodka or whisky. He just can’t leave office before her. And do you know Zakayo and other cartels have refused to process the man’s allowances?” revealed our top resident mole at the exiting regime.
Owing to his advancing age and the level of frustration, Chepchieng has resorted to talking to himself, sometimes loudly, to the amazement and amusement of secretaries and tea girls.
Had Chepchieng, a PHD holder stuck with his respectable job at the National Government, he would by now be a senior, respected administrator - perhaps a Regional Commissioner who would retire honorably.
with Ngilu, the man is just courting high blood pressure and other life
threatening ailments. Will he stay and content with being bullied by charlatans and thieving scoundrels??
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