
Showing posts from December, 2020

Why Dr Malombe Is On High Demand As Competitors Suffer Loose Bowels

By Guest Commentator It is without any doubt. There is something likeable about Dr Julius Makau Malombe, the man who set Kitui on a path of real development and firsts that today remain the envy of many. It is no wonder that an entire Kitui population is calling on and wooing Dr Malombe, the pioneer governor to come back and rescue the county which is on a free fall under the juakali administration of Kaluki Ngilu. “ Yes, we demand Dr Malombe to come back. And that demand leaves him with little option because we are determined to go to whatever length and ensure he contests, not only contests but recaptures the seat,” said a voter from Ikutha in Kitui South. And true to this word, a delegation from Kitui south visited Dr Malombe at his Ithiiani home sometimes this ending year and pleaded with him. If only he could hear their wailing, suffering and respond to the yawning gap of leadership, they pleaded.  Dr Malombe, having carefully weighed his moves as he always does, agreed. So this c

Kitui Security Team Ranks Highly Among Peers

Despite the obvious challenges encountered by our men in blue, they are doing exemplary job in maintaining law and order. Based on a rigorous analysis conducted by the investigative arm of Skymoon Network, Kitui security officers have done a commendable job especially during this festive season. The officers have sacrificed their time and safety to make sure every Kitui resident is safe. There have been almost nil reports made against the security department in Kitui. In a related incident, Police Boss Hilary Mutyambai has said that the men in uniform needs to be respected by the publics as they perform their duties within the confines of the law. Commenting on the gone viral video of a motorist who was beaten by police officers in Nakuru, he said that the motorist was on the wrong. He observed that in cases where a citizen feels displeasure, he or she should channel complaints in the right manner. Our police department have been overwhelmed with maintaining law and order during the De

Moses Kuria Apologizes, Offers Kalonzo A Goat

  With mounting criticism and pressure bearing on him for uncouth conduct, MP Moses Kuria has caved in.  The bull of Gatundu South with acerbic tongue has apologized to Kamba kingpin Kalonzo Musyoka, three days after demeaning him at the burial of senator Kabaka.  Speaking during the burial, Kuria tried to deflock Kalonzo of the kingpin title and conferred it to Mike Sonko, the impeached Nairobi governor. But in an interesting turn of events, Kuria has now acknowledged that indeed Kalonzo is the community's torch bearer.  At the same time, he has withdrawn the kingpin title that he had conferred to Sonko.  And to make the apology more sweeter, Kuria has offered Kalonzo a fat he-goat for Christmas. Senator Enoch Wambua had told Kuria to hawk his nonsense in Gatundu and leave brave Kambas alone.  Read the apology that Kuria posted on his Facebook page.  “I take this opportunity to offer my profuse apologies to the Paramount Chief Kivoi of the Kamba Nation, the undisputed leader of th

Stand Guided: Senator Wambua Slams Drunkard Moses Kuria Over Disrespect

Tuesday evening, senator Enoch Wambua did one heroic deed that instantly cast him as a community champion.  While attending the solemn funeral ceremony of the late Machakos senator Boniface Kabata in Masinga,  Wambua was irked by comments made by Gatundu South MP, the ever drunk Moses Kuria to the effect that Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka was a nobody. In a statement reeking of raw mockery, Kuria who appeared to be out to excite DP Ruto said that he recognized Mike Sonko as the only Kamba kingpin. The statement did not sit well with the mourners and the Wiper brigade.  But it was senator Wambua who took the bull by the horns and told off Kuria. In a riotous tone, Wambua too faced DP Ruto and warned him against using hooligans to campaign for him. " My brother Moses Kuria, you cannot stand here and purport to lecture my community on leadership. Shame on you," the senator charged.  "Enda uko kwenu Gatundu na Kiambu mkapange mambo yenu huko na mkome wakamba " the

Desert Beach-park: Skymoon Congratulates Kaluki

Greetings madam mama. Let us start by admitting that it has been a bumpy ride thus far, what with our undercover detectives going beyond the call of duty to expose the Queen's nakedness. We must however hasten to add that it is nothing personal. You see madam governor, you are the custodian of our public purse at the county, and you hold the position in trust for the public. And for that very reason, we are compelled to hold you to account. But we digress! Let us as matter of fact congratulate you for your latest milestone - that of designing a desert beachpark, complete with canoes and boats to blight the suffering of Kitui population. It is a timely adventure, we admit. A real game changer, as you would put it.  The idea of designing an ocean right in the middle of Kitui town is a great milestone that needs accolades. But we can't compete with your lickers and slaves who are already falling over themselves in patting your back for this nobility. We just hope they will allow u

All I See Is Failure But We Shall Rectify - Says Dr Malombe

 Pioneer Kitui Governor Dr  Julius Malombe who is credited with remarkable development record has voiced his concerns for the  wanting performance of the current county administration. Dr Malombe regretted the low rankings of the county in development matters compared to its peers.  Speaking in Kaningo, Mwingi North Tuesday, the ex governor expressed his concerns that Kitui no longer appears in the list of top performing counties but rather lags behind in development as residents suffer from poor delivery of services and a weak economy occasioned by lack of business opportunities.  " All the way from Mivukoni through Tseikuru and Musavani to Kaningo I haven't seen a single project initiated by this administration. Sadly that is the case across the whole county, our people are crying ," Dr. Malombe noted.  He said his comeback in 2022 will be to pick from where he left and exactly where development stalled on his exit.  " I will serve you and give this county a good n

Desist, Tribal Politics Can Burn Country - Kibwana Warns Politicians

Makueni governor Kivutha Kibwana has urged politicians not to balkanize the country through tribal politics ahead of 2022 general elections. Speaking at Masinga during the burial of Machakos senator Boniface Kabaka that was also attended by deputy president William Ruto, Kibwana regretted that politicians were using funerals and other platforms to whip up emotions and divide the country along tribal lines. The governor said this posed a danger to the country as it was a powder keg for chaos.  "It is regrettable that politicians are taking us back to tribal politics. If we are going to encourage politics of tribe then we are doomed," Kibwana said.  He noted that the country needed a unity of purpose to propel it to greater heights. "Let us see far, and ask ourselves how do we take the country forward. We don't want a tribal country," the governor noted.  Kibwana remembered the late Kabaka as an astute student of law and an accomplished lawyer who spoke his mind w

Senator Mutula Jnr Impeaches Sonko But Lacks Balls To Say It

Unlike his late father who was a straight shooting soldier and who spoke his mind without any fear of contradiction, Makueni senator Mutula Kilonzo Jnr has come out as a hopeless coward and a ignoramus fence sitter. This came to bear during the vote on the impeachment of Nairobi governor Mike Sonko  on Thursday night. As other senators voted and made their minds loudly known, the boy who clinched the seat on a silver platter following the death of his father opted to sit on the fence and abstained from the vote. Mutula's act of abstaining from the vote could only mean one thing; he supported the impeachment of the governor but lacked balls to pronounce it. He instead elected, like a coward, to take a middle ground. But what was happening on Thursday night was a political process. Straight and narrow. And in politics there is no middle ground. There is no fence sitting.  When a son of Ukambani was being fought by cartels and removed from office on unfounded allegations, in furtheran

Raila - The Tired Enigma On Way To Retirement

15th December will live long in infamy. It will be remembered as the day ODM was used as a tool to send Raila to a shameful belated retirement home. It showed how Raila was able to destroy two vibrant political parties in East Africa: ODM and Jubilee. Jubilee is being controlled from Chungwa House. That is the main reason the party is in shambles. The modus operandi of ODM brigade has always been intimidation and chaos. They have carried those habits as seen by a clip of Joho harassing a legislator.  You have seen it all, the raw yet inane  bravado and braccadocio exhibited by most of Raila's sworn slaves, the likes of Edwin Sifuna and Junet Mohammed et al.   Deputy President Ruto has been humble so far. Showing maturity and respect to his boss President Uhuru Kenyatta. Despite the spite shown by Kieleweke faction especially the lot from ODM, Deputy President has never responded in kind. The Deputy President instead has focused on canvassing the country preaching a message of hope,

Pamoja Tutakomboa Kenya - Asema Gavana Kibwana

  Kivutha Kibwana Pamoja #TUTAKOMBOA 254 Kila jamii, nchi, na jumuiya ina hadithi. Hadithi hii siku zote huhusu uhuru. Katika hadithi hiyo, kila wakati kuna wabaya - maadui wa maendeleo: wanaume, wanawake, vizuka au mazimwi ambao wanataka kuharibu maisha ya baadaye ya taifa na kuwanyima watoto wa watu na vijana kesho yenye mafanikio na amani. Leo tunasherehekea ushindi dhidi ya wabaya wa ukoloni. Lakini hatupaswi kufanya makosa ya kufikiria kwamba hatuna maadui tena. Mkoloni alikuwa adui dhahiri aliyejitangaza mwenyewe na nia yake kwa ujasiri. Walakini, maadui tunaokabiliana nao leo wanaonekana na kuzungumza kama sisi, wanajifanya kuwa sehemu yetu lakini wao sio sisi, kwa kweli wanapingana nasi. Hawatujali sisi au ustawi wetu na wala hawavijali vizazi vyetu vijavyo. Uhuru sio kitu unachopigania mara moja na kukiweka kama picha ya kuonekana tu; ni mapambano ya kuendelea kusonga mbele ili kufikia siku bora na timilifu zaidi. Kama ilivyo katika kila hadithi, kuna mashujaa ambao ni watu we

Ex Prisons Boss Push For Extra Constituency In South Gets Kalonzo's Nod

Former Prisons Boss, Commissioner Mutua is at the  forefront pushing for a new constituency in the vast kitui South.  At the same time, the parliamentary aspirant is also canvassing for Voo  location to be brought back to Kitui South.  Currently, the highly marginalized location falls in Kitui East constituency despite being in Mutomo subcounty administratively. Mutua says political vultures have exploited this glaring anomaly to marginalize the residents of Voo location for decades.  Recently, Commissioner Mutua shared these great ideas with Wiper party Leader Kalonzo Musyoka which he instantly acknowledged.  "I had great discussion with the party leader on the two issues and we reached a consensus. If Kitui county is getting an additional  constituency it will have to be our share as people of Kitui south," Mutua said.  He revealed that the proposed constituencies will be Mutomo Constituency and Ikutha Constituency. "Thats the deal for our people " he stated.   M

Prof Kaloki Throws His Weight Behind BBI As Governor's Seat Beckons

Professor Philip Kaloki who heads the KMTC board as the chairman has supported efforts to amend the constitution through the BBI. Kaloki while speaking during an inspection tour of Mbuvo KMTC campus in Makueni county said that Kenyans stand to benefit a lot once the proposed amendments take effect.  The professor who is eyeing the Makueni governor's seat in 2022 noted that the proposed increase of revenue allocation to the counties to 35 percent from the previous 15 percent will go a long way in realization of development at the grassroots.  Kaloki at the same time appended his signature for the BBI report. "As a leader I want to be part of the change that is coming through the BBI. This is an all inclusive document that needs the support of all," Kaloki remarked. At Mbuvo KMTC campus, the chairman said that about 300 students had been selected to join the institution, noting that online learning was in progress. He added that the campus will be completed soonest with goo