Why Outgoing Ngilu Wants To Sack Disgruntled Staff

Failed and outgoing

On Tuesday, Kaluki Ngilu summoned all Kitui County staff working in the headquarters to an early morning meeting at the Kitui stadium.

What was supposed to be a brief 7:00 -9:00 AM meeting ended up becoming the longest meeting the staff have ever attended all their working lives.

Kaluki Ngilu herself came late then she kept them hungry and thirsty until 1:00 PM.

At the end of the meeting, she decided to buy their silence with Kes 500. Yes 500 shillings. Remember she paid boda boda riders, shoe shiners and traders Kes 2000 when she summoned them to a meeting in her office earlier.

She instead chose to give her own workers Kes 500 shillings. Yes that is how Kaluki Ngilu values her own staff.

But does Kaluki Ngilu really care about them? Does she care whether they lived or died? She does not. After all she did not employ most of them. Let us see why!

Salary Delays

It is October 10th and the Kitui County Government staff have not been paid their September salaries. It has happened like this since Kaluki Ngilu became their boss in august 2017. There is no single month the poor staff have been their salaries on time and as it is seems, it is not going to happen these remaining 10 months of her term in office.

Staff Allowances

For the 4 years Kaluki has been their boss, Kitui County staff have not been paid a single shilling as allowance (per diems, claims or reimbursement) for work done either in the field or over-time. 

Field officers have continued to suffer at work with some even going ahead to beg for food and accommodation while in the field. Can Kaluki Ngilu come clean and tell them who eats their allowance?

Staff Promotion

Since Kaluki Ngilu took over as county boss, County staff have not been promoted and promotion arrears have not been paid to the few who were promoted by the previous board yet she has gone ahead to recruit new staff into the county workforce including engagement and payment of unnecessary casuals in some ministries. Can Kaluki Ngilu tell her staff why she has refused to prioritise their promotion and payment of overdue arrears?

Staff Health Cover:

 For three and half years, Kitui County staff did not have any healthcare scheme covering them. They had to pay for health care services from their empty pockets. Even their NHIF cards were not working following a failure to remit staff deductions to NHIF head offices by the corrupt Mbee Nzei administration. She has now introduced a low ceiling BRITAM insured medical scheme to cover the county staff. Sadly, the cover is only usable in select private facilities and not in government facilities. 

The cover is also only usable for out-patient services with staff forced to pay from their pockets in the event of in-patient services.

Why has Kaluki Ngilu refused to give her staff a Comprehensive Medical cover like the one entered between Governor Julius Malombe's administration and the NHIF which gave county staff a limitless access to health services in both public and private facilities?

County Universal Health Care: 

Kaluki Ngilu has asked each county staff to pay Kes 3,000 to register their extended families into the Kitui County Universal Healthcare Scheme. Interestingly, the cover only lasts for one year. Just one single year? Before she goes further, will she be kind enough to tell her staff what happened to K-CHIK where county staff paid money to have their loved registered for free healthcare in county health facilities but nothing happened thereafter? She still wants to steal from her own staff the more?

Stop Kaluki's madness with your vote


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