HOORAY: DR. Malombe Cleared by IEBC

It all systems go, ladies and gentlemen, the gallant residents of Kitui county. Your favorite candidate for the governor's seat Dr. Julius Malombe alias Kyuma (Kya wia) has this morning been cleared by the IEBC to run for the county top seat.

Dr. Malombe's clearance by the electoral body comes hours after he was validly nominated by Wiper party supporters to fly the party's flag in an exercise conducted across the entire county pitting the pioneer governor against Kiema Kilonzo. 

The repeat exercise was ordered by the High Court within 72 hours and was done under universal suffrage (where every eligible voter is allowed to vote) as directed by the Wiper party.

Dr Malombe garnered 9,826 votes trouncing the unwanted Kiema Kilonzo who scrapped a miserable 80 votes. The Wiper party through its county returning officer immediately issued Malombe with a valid certificate, paving way for his clearance by the IEBC. 

Malombe said he will hit the ground running campaigning for the seat, with the first rallies set for Kitui west today. 

Dr. Malombe promised to return the county to its former glory once he resumes office where fairness, transparency, accountability and service to humanity will be the hallmarks of his leadership. 

NB: Kiema Kilonzo through his little lawyer and their cartels who are salivating to loot the county coffers dry led by David Mailu Musila are on a desperate and impossible mission to stop the people's candidate. Treat them as top enemies! 


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