
Showing posts from December, 2022

Full List: Governor Malombe's CO Nominees

Evans Mutemi, 26, CO nominee for urban development  Below is the full list of Chief Officer nominees as presented by Governor Julius Malombe to the County Assembly.  Governor Malombe said he will only appoint 4 particular Chief Officers once a court case lodged by four Ngilu COs is heard and concluded by the court.  This means even after the vetting and possible approval, the governor will not appoint the 4 until the court gives its ruling.  1. Agnes Kawila Mulewa - Public Service and General Administration. 2. Franciscah Kanza Kyui- Performance Contracting, Disaster & Emergency Services. 3. Stephen Kitonga Salee - Decentralized Units, SEKEB and Inter-governmental Relations. 4. Kamunda John - Governor's Service Delivery Unit & Public Communication. 5. Ferdinand Ndemah Kathenge - Tourism, Hospitality & Game Reserves. 6. Dr. Musyoka Benson Wambua - Medical Services. 7. Aggrey Kinyalili Kamba - Drugs and Medical Supplies Management. 8. Lynn Kitwan - Public Health & San

Four Ngilu COs Lose Big in Court

Zakayo Kimanzi, the chief saboteur  Our Court Reporter   Four disgruntled Chief Officers who are under instructions by former governor Kaluki Ngilu to sabotage Governor Malombe have this morning lost big in Labour Relations court.  The 4 cartel COs namely Zakayo Kimanzi, Enoch Nguthu, Geoffrey Mulinge Changangu and Joseph Kimanga Mutua had filed a petition in court against the County Government seeking - among other things - to bar Governor Julius Malombe from hiring new Chief Officers. The governor had advertised 26 positions for Chief Officers. The four Ngilu cartel COs had hoped to stop this process in their choleographed scheme to sabotage the development conscious governor. However, today the Labour relations court dealt the misguided COs a big blow when it permitted Dr. Malombe to go ahead with the process of hiring new Chief Officers unhindered. The court noted that it is unreasonable for the four disgruntled Chief Officers to seek prayers that outrightly seem to stop the Co

Why EACC Is Freezing Zakayo's Accounts & Properties

Our Reporter   'Proceeds of crime.' That is what EACC detectives investigating one of Ngilu's corrupt Chief Officers have described his sudden wealth over the last 5 years. Zakayo Kimanzi is under the radar of EACC detectives for his exponential wealth running into hundreds of millions of money; both in hard currency and properties.  According to reports on our desk, Zakayo runs 5 bank accounts all bursting at the seams with unexplained money. Reports also indicate that Zakayo also has a string of properties in Mikindani, Mombasa County among them flats which he put up during his tenure at the County Government . "His lifestyle does not match the salary of slightly over Ksh100,000 he earns at the County Government" whispered one of the detectives saying it is only a matter of time before they strike and nail the top suspect.  The County Government has vowed to fully cooperate with the EACC and any other investigating agency on any investigations touching on any

Governor Malombe Conferred With EGH Honours

Dr. Julius Malombe, EGH Our Reporter   Governor Julius Malombe has today been awarded one of the top honours in the country for his outstanding service to humanity.  During today's Jamhuri Day celebrations, president William Ruto conferred Dr. Malombe with the award of Elder of the Order of the Golden Heart (EGH).  The conferrement of the top honours by the Head of State to Governor Malombe is meant to honour and recognize his tireless efforts and commitment in serving the Kenyan people in different capacities.  Dr. Malombe has served the county diligently in different capacities among them being the chairman of the board of Kenya Water Towers Agency.  During the August elections, the Governor was called to office by Kitui County residents on account of his development track record that he set when he served as the county's pioneer governor.  Indeed the County residents could not have made a better choice. 

County Government, USAID Ink Sh1.1 Billion Development Deal

  Governor Malombe with James Flock of USAID By Naumi Venza   Sanity is fast creeping back to Kitui county that was once ravaged by marauding & looting gangs resident at the collapsed mbee nzei regime. This morning, Governor Julius Malombe signed a mouth watering development deal worth Sh1.1 billion with USAID where activities in both projects and service delivery across 7 departments will be implemented.  In the deal, Governor Malombe's administration has allocated KSh742 million while USAID will pump 368 million for the identified activities.  The return of development partners in the county is a big win for the county residents and serves to give a firm confidence on Dr. Malombe's leadership.  During Ngilu's time, development partners scampered away due to high level corruption and rent seeking from her vicious cartels.  Top 💵 Dollar   With Governor Malombe restoring sanity and transparency in Governance, development partners will be trooping back with top dollar

Approve All CEC Nominees - EACC Tells Assembly

Ruth Koki, earmarked for Health docket Our Reporter   The EACC has given all the CEC nominees selected by Governor Julius Malombe a clean bill of health.  The investigating authority, in its letter dated 1st December 2022 and addressed to County Government chief or staff Khalid Mahmud noted that it does not have any active investigations against any of the 10 nominees. In addition, the EACC noted that according to its records as of 30th November 2022, it has not recommended prosecution for any of the Governor's nominees. The import of this is that the 10 nominees are now deemed clean and this confirms Dr. Malombe's due diligence on the potential top county government officers. The Assembly had halted the process of vetting and approval of the nominees citing the EACC move, which has now been concluded. In its vetting, the County Assembly is expected to write to respective universities and establish the authenticity of various degree certificates presented by the nominees.  The