
Showing posts from May, 2023

Gov Malombe has Done more in 8 Months than Ngilu did in 5 Years - Hon Mbai.

Governor Malombe & Kitui East MP Nimrod Mbai Our Reporter   ~ When we tell you that the county is under a firm management of Governor Julius Malombe, some say we are blowing our own trumpet. ~ However today, this was confirmed by an unlikely quarter. KITUI East MP Nimrod Mbai who led a parliamentary Commitee to Kitui rightly observed that what Governor Malombe has done in 8 months with very limited resources is way much more than what mbee nzei government under Kaluki Ngilu did in 5 years. ~ The mbee nzei government was accused of plunder and high theft, and this explains why Ngilu did not defend her seat and opted to run away from restive voters. ~ Dr Malombe came in on the backdrop of reclamation and restoration. And this is something he is doing passionately for the benefit of Kitui county residents.  ~ This is why even other leaders who belong to different political affiliations can clearly see Malombe's progressive work. And much more is coming, if only the National Govern

You are Running Too Early - Wambua Warns 2027 Aspirants

Governor Julius Malombe with Senator Wambua By Senator Kiio Wambua   God is great. I know this matter of the 2027 Kitui County gubernatorial race has occupied the minds of many people. And it is okay because you can't really dictate how people think and/or act. I am told that some people have already declared interest in the seat and are already campaigning. This is also okay. But in my own very honest opinion, I think it is too early to declare interest in elective seats only a few months after the August 9, 2022 general elections. As a Christian, I am guided by the words of the preacher in   Ecclesiastes 3:1..."there is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens". There is time for everything, let us first serve the people who elected us - Wambua advises early campaigners  We need closure on outstanding issues relating to the last elections as a way of safeguarding future elections. On this matter, I am on the table with 14 other Kenyan lea

Why Auditor General Wants KICOTEC thieves Jailed

Our Reporter   The graft agency has trained its sights on former governor Kaluki Ngilu & her cartels as Auditor General releases damning 2022 audit report on AS KICOTEC.  Former Kitui Governor Charity Kaluki Ngilu, is now under the spotlight of EACC sleuths following the release of the damning Auditor General 2022 Report. Her cartels whom she used to loot the county coffers dry are also wanted.  Ngilu who had hoped a friendly Azimio government would sweep her administration’s misdeeds under the rag is said to have panicked as reports of renewed investigations into massive looting of Kitui funds gets underway.  With the UDA Government firmly in place, Ngilu is said to have gone into a panic with key actors including a sitting MCA known for air & ghost projects expected to suffer a similar fate.  The reportedly insolvent KICOTEC is the first of a damning Auditor General’s report that reveals the rot exacted by Ngilu and her inner circle. In her indicting report, the Auditor Gener

New Dawn:Revamping KICOTEC for Locals Benefits

Trade CO Stephen Musili (Episode 1)  " KICOTEC bags new police uniforms tender worthy Ksh20M as National Government is assured of transparency by Gov. Malombe's administration" ~ The County Government has rolled out an elaborate strategy to revamp the operations at KICOTEC that was in the past mired in mystery and mismanagement.  The first port of call is to make the business at the textile centre transparent and account for every penny utilized or generated there.  ~ This is an assurance to the National Government that they can do transparent business with KICOTEC whose end result would be to benefit the County residents.  👁️ Lest you forget, KICOTEC was a good County investment but was hijacked by economic bandits who saw it as a looting front to whet their financial appetites . Not any more. Governor Malombe's administration is moving fast to ensure that KICOTEC's business is pegged on strict transparency and accountability. The National Government and develo