NETTED: DPP to Charge Ngilu With High Level Corruption

Kaluki faces a jail term 

Our Investigator

Former Kitui governor Charity Kaluki Ngilu is set to be arraigned in court and charged with high level corruption after months of investigations carried out by the EACC.

According to our moles at the anti graft agency, investigations into Ngilu's corruption scandals have been concluded and her file has been forwarded to the DPP (Director of Public Prosecutions) to charge her in  a court of law.

The EACC has established that Ngilu plundered billions of public funds when she served as the unfortunate  governor of Kitui for five years, during which time she amassed illegal, personal  wealth and entrenched looting cartels in the county who pilfered public resources as if the world was coming to an end.

According to EACC records seen by our top mole,  Ngilu's looting style included introducing ghost workers into the county's payroll to siphon public funds, fraudulent procurements and looting of local revenue as well as revenue generated by KICOTEC among other crimes such as racketeering. 

Part of the recommendations by the EACC is to have Ngilu's illegal wealth confiscated by the state and returned to public use as well as a custodial jail sentence.

But a conniving Ngilu is not sleeping on her laurels waiting to be hauled to maximum prison. The former governor has been desperately trying to reach out to president William Ruto and was recently seen shaking hands with Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi in what is believed to be her overtures to seek the president's mercy.

"For the first time in her political career I can tell you Charity is scared stiff. The corruption cases she  is facing are likely to throw her in jail for a long time. But I can tell you she is a briber per excellence and she's trying all she can..." a senior lawyer who is a close confidant of the former Governor told our desk in confidence.

Ngilu is also said to be worried by her tough stance against the president whose campaigns she robustly opposed. Many Kenyans remember her weird prayer in which she asked her gods to eliminate Ruto from the race.

Will Kaluki survive? 

Stay tuned! 


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