
Showing posts from November, 2020

Young Contestant To Upset Bigwigs In Kitui Central

IN a race that has attracted scavengers, socialites and even conmen, Kimonyo Denis (K.D) Kiliku comes in with never seen before energy and brilliance that can only work towards upsetting the old order.  The 32 year old from kwa Muli village in Katulani is the youngest of the contestants who seems to be attracting young voters like butterflies to light. " We want to stand with K.D because he is one of us and can serve us better" says one of the young voters who, like majority of his agemates has thrown his support to Kiliku.  In his Mulango ward, there is high possibility that Kiliku will share the youth votes with Boniface Musambi who also comes from the area.  " But K.D looks like he will grab the majority of it, if not all" the voter tells our desk.  The young Kiliku who is a nephew to the late firebrand Changamwe MP and political maestro Kennedy Kiliku describes himself as courageous, aggressive,  intelligent and a go getter. " My entry into politics is no

Gospel Artists Myello, Rachael Kay Burst Internet With Their Fornication Tales


Sackings? Has Ngilu Fired Arrogant Kakundi? Fate Of 2 Others Unknown

It looks like Lihud CECM, the very arrogant and anti social beast in the name of Jacob Maundu Kakundi has been fired. The outgoing Ngilu might have sacked Kakundi as the corrupt man increasingly became a liability to her Juakali government.  In a new list of nominees, Ngilu has dumped Kakundi like a rotten garbage following his recent impeachment by the county assembly for engaging in high level corruption and rent seeking. His Lihud department has been slotted for a new nominee. (Check the list below) In the same appointments, it also looks like Waziri Emmanuel Kisangau who headed the Agriculture and Water docket has also been sacked. The Fate of Koki Musau alias Waiya remains unknown as his docket has been slotted for Helen Kitheka who comes in as the new CEC Tourism, Youth, Sports and Culture.  The unpopular Ngilu is in last ditch desperate efforts to reorganize her Juakali government and give it some credibility as 2022 draws near. The kitui population has vowed to vote out the fai

4 Hospitals Exposed To Danger And Crime As Security Withdrawn

If u visit Kitui general hospital, Mwingi Level 4, Ikutha and Migwani subcounty hospitals, you will see the gates wide open like loose legs of a night nurse. A few mikuka chewing blokes who have been engaged by corrupt CO Muthoka after the security tenderpreneur who provided security services pulled out would be lazing about cluelessly.  The withdraw of the uniformed security guards has left the 4 health facilities exposed to crime and insecurity as strangers can now walk in and out any time without being checked by hawk eyes, posing a danger to patients, health workers and even the dead. "We feel like we are naked. Have u seen an institution of this level without security, either private or government? This is a sad joke," lamented one doctor based at Kitui general hospital who is worried by the sad turn of events. The casual  civilian goons have been procured by CO Muthoka to give a fake feeling of security at Kitui and Mwingi  hospitals. At Ikutha and Migwani facilities,

How Ngilu, Cartels Have Reduced Ageing Chepchieng To A Mere Door Mat

  Kitui county secretary Joshua Chepchieng is an old man on a free fall at the collapsed mbee nzei administration. Actually, the old man, we are reliably informed, is looking for an exit plan. “He says it is better off looking after his livestock in Baringo. He is depressed and highly disappointed. His expectations crushed like a mursik calabash” said a close acquaintance of the suffering CS. So what is eating the old man? You see when he asked to be seconded to the county government from the provincial administration as we formerly knew it, Chepchieng had high regard and expectations for the failed governor Kaluki. Having once worked as a DC in Kitui central when Ngilu was an MP and a minister, the two struck a cordial relationship that would see the former DC washed with wads of money most weekends.  By leaving his former job, Chepcheing thought, mistakenly so, that the fanfare with Ngilu will continue in this world and beyond. How wrong he was! Our highly placed moles at t

Aljazeera Journalist Loses Father As Kitui Hospital Becomes Death Valley

A top journalist with Aljazeera Television Network is mourning the passing on of her father who lost his life after exposed and suffering doctors at Kitui level IV failed – understandably – to admit him. Catherine Wambua – Soi who comes from Wikililye took to her Twitter account to narrate the ordeal visited on her father who could not be admitted at the facility as doctors and nurses who lack Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) are also afraid of losing their own lives. Sadly, the old man lost the fight days later. (May his soul RIP) “Latest from Kitui general hospital. Dad not admitted because there are no PPE kits and doctors/ nurses (are) understandably afraid. How is it possible in a county with Kicotec? Something needs to give,” Catherine lamented in a tweet that was also tagged to the failed governor Kaluki Ngilu. The tweet drew condemnation from a cross section of Kenyans who expressed their displeasure with governor Ngilu’s runaway incompetence. The medical officers at

Useless KIKOTEC Collapses, Tailors Issue Notice To Quit

The long suffering tailors at the corruption riddled Kikotec (kicoFake) godown have reached the end of their tether.  The tailors have not been paid a penny since June this year. The outgoing governor and her band of cartels have looted all the revenue generated by the godown dry. Despite the show and pomp shown by the failed governor about KicoFake, where she claims to have received mountains of orders from several institutions, there is nothing to show for the poor managed godown that is operated like a mango kiosk. The bitter and dejected tailors have been communicating among themselves and have resolved to hold a mega demo on Friday 20th. They will start by addressing the media at Syongila then march all the way to the governor's office where they plan to put the Queen and her looters under siege.  "Sisi tunaumia haki. Huyu mama anapiga mdomo kama kasuku vile kicotec inaendelea yet hatulipwi. Afadhali kushona manguo vijijini" lamented one long suffering tailor who sp

Why Rejected Ngilu Is Attending Harambees More Than She Visits Toilet

It's in the public domain that failed and rejected Ngilu is nowadays attending harambees more times than she visits the toilet! Am sure you must be wondering what informed this decision. The truth of the matter is that failed Ngilu has now unleashed her looted money and plans to use it to buy people's loyalty. Instead of the outgoing governor and her battalion of looters burning midnight oil to come up with projects that they will initiate to help Nzangi and Musangi, the decorated thieves are spending sleepless nights inventing more ways to loot the county dry and buy the residents using the stolen money.  A new scheme has been hatched whereby every C.E.C and C.O must be armed with 250, 000 cash every Friday in a neat envelope to be given to the failed governor so that she can give handouts or contribution to harambees... That explains why she is now at ease to go to any harambee in any subcounty!! Each of the C.E.Cs and C.Os has been sloted a date with the queen whereb

I will Defend My Seat - Says Senator Wambua As Competitors Evaporate

Senator Enoch Wambua has said that come 2022, he will be in the ballot to defend his seat. The fiery senator who has caused Ngilu sleepless nights and a loose bowel with his fearless oversight role said his mission was to keep fighting for more resources to be allocated to the vast county while at the same time ensuring that every penny is spend for the intended purpose. “Rumour mongers are running around spreading all manner of stories on my political ambitions. Let me be very clear, come 2022, I will come here and ask you to re-elect me as the senator of Kitui,” Wambua told a huge gathering at Nguuku market in Mwingi North Monday, where he led the Senate Standing Committee on ICT to inspect mobile network connectivity in the region. The announcement by the senator has shattered the dreams of all the political vultures and scavengers who were hanging in the clouds hoping and wishing that the senator does not run for the senate seat. “If he defends his seat, I can tell you his

I'm Coming Back To Serve At Public Pleasure - Dr Malombe

Former Kitui governor Dr Julius Malombe has said that he will honour the people's call for him to return to office in order to satisfy their hunger for real development. Speaking during an interview with Athiani FM, Dr Malombe said that he was listening to voices of the people across the entire county who are making passionate calls for him to return to county leadership. Dr Malombe assured that he will not fail in that endeavour.  "I have been listening to what the people are saying...calling on me to come back to public service. I feel their warm gesture as they welcome me in several events and you know actions speak louder than words. The people have spoken and have shown it with their actions...they want us to come back..." Dr Malombe said during the interview. "I want to confirm that I will be running for the governor's seat in 2022 according to the wishes of the people" he  stated.  The former governor hailed the BBI proposal that seeks to increase t

Kalonzo's Race For Presidency Is Well On Course - Senator Wambua

Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka's presidential bid in 2022 will not be derailed, Senator Enoch Wambua has said. Speaking Sunday in Kitengela, Kajiado county during a church service while in the company of the former VP and Kajiado governor Joseph ole Lenku, Wambua assured that Kalonzo's name will be in the presidential ballot. The senator noted that Kalonzo was going flat out to consolidate his political base while reaching out to like minded leaders to join forces and support his presidential ambitions. The three leaders later had lunch at governor Lenku's official residence in Kajiado where Senator Wambua disclosed his long standing brotherly relationship with Lenku who served as Interior minister before plunging into politics. And on Saturday during the burial of lawyer Nzamba Kitonga in Mutitu, Kitui East, Wambua reiterated that Kalonzo's presidential ambition was not pegged on the BBI. "BBI or no BBI, we have our own presidential candidate... His Excellence

New Covid 19 Directives - What You Need To Know

  1. All CSs, CAS, PSs scale down public activities adopt virtual means 2. 58+ and immuno compromised to work remotely 3. Examination classes to continue but under heightened medical measures 4. Schools reopen in January 2021 5. MPs to engage NGAF and CDF Boards to make investments for additional handwashing points, masks for each school child and ensure physical distancing in schools. 6. All Political rallies suspended for 60 days. Any political meetings should be in community halls and have only 1/3 capacity of Hall.  7. Ministry of Interior to set up a Special Task Unit to enforce a NATIONWIDE adherance to Covid-19 protocols 8. Nationwide Curfew remains in force till January 2021 9. Beginning tonight the curfew will be between 10 - 4 am 10. All Bars and Restaurants must close by 9pm. 11. Hospitality industry players must adhere to Covid Health Protocols or face closure. 12. Directions on religious gathering remain. There shall be no more than 1/3  of the venue capacity.  13. County

Let's Team Up and Consolidate DP's Support Base - Urges Banda

Kitui county Hustler Nation Coordinator Hon Moses Banda has urged all the supporters of Deputy President William Ruto in the county to consolidate their structures and support base. Banda said the focus now for the Hustler Movement should be to singularly support and help the DP win the presidency.  Hon Banda's remarks come hot on the heels of the DP's announcement to temporarily stop his countrywide meetings in the wake of the upsurge of coronavirus spread.  _"The DP has put off his meetings until further notice and this is quite understandable due to the rising numbers. I'm therefore urging all stakeholder groups supporting the hustler movement agenda to  continue consolidating their structures and the DP's support. All our focus should be on the ultimate prize" _ Banda said.  The DP was expected in Kitui and Mwingi towards the end of this week.  Banda at the same time urged the county hustler movement stakeholders to continue working as a team and pull in t

REVEALED: Why Bodaboda Men Are Afraid of Nimrod Mbai Ahead Of Ruto's Visit Next Week

  Disquiet is simmering in the Hustler Nation Movement, Kitui county chapter ahead of Ruto's visit on Thursday, next week after it emerged that Kitui East MP Nimrod Mbai is craftily positioning himself as the defacto negotiator for the bodaboda operators.  DP Ruto, carrying hundreds of motorbikes and wheelbarrows will be jetting into the county on next week purposely to fund-raise for the bodaboda operators and give them a kick in their economic status. The event was to be held Thursday this week but has been pushed to next week to pave way for the state burial of reknown lawyer and katiba maker; Nzamba Kitonga who will be laid to rest in Mutitu on Saturday.  It is this high voltage Ruto visit that has seen well known conmen crawl out of the woodwork to position themselves to swindle the DP on the pretext of representing interest groups.  Majority of the bodaboda men who spoke to our desk are categorical that they don't want to be auctioned at the alter of brokerage.  Th

We Are Ready To Weclome DP Ruto, Says Lead Organizer Hon Banda

All plans are being finalized to welcome Deputy President William Ruto for a major fundraising event in Kitui on Thursday to support bodaboda associations.  This has been revealed by the Coordinator of Hustler Nation Movement in Kitui County Hon Moses Banda who is the lead organizer of the event together with others.  "It is true we will be hosting the DP on Thursday. He is coming purely for a  fundraising to support boda boda operators in the county in order to give their lives an economic head start" Banda told our desk in an exclusive interview.  The DP is expected to address a huge gathering in Kitui town before flying to  Mwingi town later in the afternoon for a similar event.  During his visit, DP Ruto will also be educating the masses on a section of toxic proposals in the BBI report that, if not amended, might make him and his brigade campaign against the document.  Hon Banda said it was hypocritical for some leaders to pretend to be supporting the B