Inside Ngilu's Plan To Swindle Ksh300M From Kitui's Poor

Swindling congame

Every indication is that Ngilu's latest healthcare insurance scheme is a plot to swindle poor county residents. 

Interviews carried out by Skymoon team across the county show that people have no trust in the questionable deal, that was dubiously hatched by the outgoing governor and her close cartels.

At the centre of this new heist is a whooping Ksh300 Million, which Ngilu is targeting to gather from the poor folks who are expected to pay Ksh3000 per household. 

This amount will be realized if Ngilu manages to convince 100,000 households to register for the scheme. 

To add a sweetener to the dubious arrangement, Ngilu and her mbee nzei cartels have claimed that the county government will also contribute Ksh3000 per every household, to enable beneficiaries access medical care in all NHIF accredited facilities.

Lies....and more lies

What is curious about this arrangement is that it is not premised on any known framework. It has been cobbled up in the way of the infamous KCHIC that collapsed after swindling poor residents over Ksh150 million in contributions. 

In the KCHIC heist, residents were required to pay Ksh1000 per household with the mbee nzei administration promising to also contribute to the same kitty. It never happened.

What was witnessed was poor sick residents flocking hospitals in droves and failing to get healthcare services. This is because Ngilu and her juakali government FAILED to contribute their share to the KCHIC kitty, forcing hospitals to exhaust their resources. Patients would be sent to buy drugs from private chemists alongside other items such as gloves and gauzes. 

Soon the infamous insurance cover collapsed, and with it over Ksh150 million collected from the poor Kituians.

Todate, Ngilu has never returned these funds to the contributors and has never accounted for it! 

Rosaita Ngilu dislodged 

It was also the KCHIC scandal that saw the then CECM in charge of Health Rosaita Ngina hounded out of office after she refused  to sign for fictitious funds amounting to Ksh200 million  meant for "KCHIC visibility study".

According to insiders in mbee nzei, Rosaita knew there was no such study carried out and the amount requested was to be looted using her signature. She told the thieves off. 

"Rosaita simply refused to sign and this put her at loggerheads with the governor. At one time the two women nearly exchanged blows at the governor's office as Rosaita stood her ground in protecting public funds. Sadly she was tossed out" disclosed a senior mbee nzei officer who is privy to the KCHIC scandal.

Latest scheme doomed.

County residents have already poured cold water on this latest initiative in which they are required to pay more expensively than the collapsed KCHIC arrangement. 

The residents fear that Ngilu will collect funds from the poor but in the end fail to have the mbee nzei administration contribute its part. The end result will be thousands upon thousands of people overstretching the health facilities with no capacity to deliver on healthcare.

Ngilu will then in turn blame everybody and everything except herself. Before we know it, the insurance scheme will collapse with over 300million shillings unaccounted for. Then it will be back to square one.

"Kaluki is outrightly incompetent. Don't be fooled by her theatrics even bringing top NHIF officers she employed when she headed the Health Ministry. They are meant to sanitize her siphoning scheme" remarked a resident who worked closely with Kaluki. 

Never trust Ngilu with your money, however little. Learn from the KCHIC heist. 

Collapsed Kchic heist that sunk with Ksh150M from Kitui's poor

Described as highly incompetent, rejected 

Part 2 coming:


  1. To elect this old woman is like commiting suicide

  2. People of Kitui Country never repeat the mistake to elect this selfish woman


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