Kalonzo Can't Win, Support Raila - Ngilu Tells Kamba Nation

Ngilu mocks Kalonzo, says he can't win

The long standing hatred held by Kaluki Ngilu against Kalonzo Musyoka has reared its ugly head again.

Ngilu has in the past done everything possible to undermine Kalonzo politically and she is thought to be working closely with governors Mutua and Kibwana to vanquish Kalonzo completely. 

In the recent byelection for Nguu/Masumba ward, governor Mutua revealed that Ngilu donated huge sums of money to support the independent candidate Timothy Maneno who defeated Wiper's Eshio Mwaiwa. 

After Maneno's victory, Ngilu is reported to have called a small party at her Ithookwe home attended only by who is who among her close lickers and slaves. They partied until the wee hours of the night, downing bottles upon bottles of whisky while mocking Kalonzo. 

And now Ngilu has called on the Kamba nation to mobilize themselves behind ODM leader Raila Odinga saying he is the next president of Kenya. She has also called several leaders and categorically advised them to ditch the Wiper leader.

Speaking during the launch of a mosque in Kitui town at the weekend, an event that was attended by Mombasa governor Ali Hassan Joho, Ngilu dismissed Kalonzo as a dreamer saying he is very far away from presidency.

She appealed to the Kamba community to solidly stand with Raila in his quest.

"The kamba people should stop joking around unless we want to be outside the next government. Even our man knows very well he stands zero chance to be anything. Let us all support Raila," Ngilu said.

Kaluki has been advising other leaders to dump Kalonzo for Raila. She has also vowed to buy other leaders like overripe pawpaws as she pushes Raila agenda. 

She promised the pour out her resources in the entire Ukambani to buy other leaders and ensure Raila's candidature gains momentum in the region while vanquishing Kalonzo.

In public however, Ngilu will pretend to be with Kalonzo. 

Stay tuned


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